MOWS is a company dedicated to:
We strive to score high on three attributes; Affordability, Quality and Sustainability.
MOWS provides a local client handling service, combined with both local and global resource delivery services.
We can for instance provide the following resource profiles:
Looking for another service?
If you’re looking for any type of resource please contact us and we will do our utmost to source a team of three or more members (with preferable one resource working locally, either at or nearby your premises) within 1 to 3 months.
MOWS uses client specified tools or the following project/agile tools for sharing:
Passion is an emotional state where you feel motivated, committed, energized and empowered. We have to have passion for what we are doing, liking our work and striving to improve and innovate, in order to feel that we are at the right place doing the right things at the right moment; feeling being part belonging.
People are the key to everything. Without people we have no company. We have to respect each other, sharing ideas, competencies and friendship. Collaboration, honesty and trust will bound us together. We want people to genuinely feel that they are part of something bigger and worthwhile than just a job.
Process is a set of rules, instructions, guidelines etc. that shows/tells how to do/learn/perform certain "things" in a shown "way". It is not the "only" way to do the thing, it is the "way" believed to be a good way to do the "thing" at the moment. We need Process to guide us in a common way forward, but Process is not a "not changing, binding way". Process is the best know way "at the moment" to do, learn, follow, execute etc.
Perseverance is simply explained as ability to "never give up", i.e. "hang in there". We are living in an always changing world, things outside our control will happen. Disappointments change of hearts, accidents, failures etc. will happen but if one keeps focusing on what is important and keep on working, success will come. It is a journey! There is no end-goal, only a road forward to the future.
As an engineering firm, we comply with development processes for large & complex system. We adapts Agile methodology and Lean principles which results in minimal waste, and increased efficiency throughout the process.
Contact our Indian partner, KibbCom India Pty. Ltd. for any enquiries in Asia